Avatar Filmrecension

Jag ska recensera filmen Avatar, den över älskade filmen som är ”såå bra” och strunt som det där.

Denna film är gjord av den berömde James Cameron som gjorde bra filmer som Terminator och Titanic, värkar nu har tappat själva gnistan att åtminstone försöka vara originell. Men även om filmen är lite förutsägbar så är den faktiskt medelmåttligt bra, men det är vad den är: medelmåttligt bra, varken mer eller mindre.

Jag ska här och nu berätta hur det gick: Huvud personen flyger till Jupiters måne som heter Pandora där militär, gruvarbetar och forsknings personal befinner sig i stora anläggningar, huvudpersonen får i uppdrag att spionera på urbefolkningen och försöka förhandla med dem så att de kan flytta sin by till en annan plats för att deras nuvarande bosättning är över stora lager av underjordiska dyrbara resurser genom att bli en av dem med hjälp av en konstgjord kropp som är väldig lik urbefolkningen (nu kommer kliché delen) Huvudpersonen (JakeSully) möter en dam från ur befolkningen som är också hög-prästinnans dotter och hon (Ney’tiri) lär Jake hennes folks vägar och seder osv. medan Jake långsamt blir kär henne. Sedan när Jake har blivit en man av Ney’tiris folks stam så har Jake glömt sitt uppdrag och glömt att för handla och då invaderar militär grupperna byn och folket flyr och sen för att omgruppera och förhandlar med andra stammar förr att förenas mot människorna och så börjar den så förutsägbara stora slaget och såklart vinner urfolket och for bort all militär personal från planeten och Jake och Ney’tiri gifter sig och levde lyckligt i alla sina dagar, slut.

Börjar du inte tycka att det här verkar vara en berättelse som vi redan har ort och är väl bekant? Om inte så är du troligen någon P-tålva som inte kan sin historia.

Som du redan kan se så är filmens story redan taget från andra filmer som ”Dancing with Wolves” eller “Disneys Atlantis och Pokahontas” och som om det redan inte var nog så har filmen en massa dumma händelser som när Jake tämjde den vilda flygande riddjuret (Toruk mochta) som ingen annan lyckades göra han hoppade ner på den. Han gjorde någonting som var så jäkla lätt för vemsomhelst och ingen annan lyckades komma på det där? Men ändå är jag barmhärtig nog att säga att hur de berättar allt är på en väldigt bra sätt och att de har bara bra skådisar, men det är bara det som gjorde att filmen bara var medel måttligt, en bra film ska vara originell och intelligent.

Med andra ord får denna film tre och en halv stjärna

Net cowardice

In chatrooms and major websites exists the all famous block button, but pople seems to missuse it's true purpose I.E: blocking annoying poeple that keeps insulting through the internet and can't be negotiated around it. But now we go to the missuese and that is the actual cowardice. Some usally go into arguments and when they know that they have met their superior adversary they don't simply surrender or go scilent, no they block the guy AND THEN THEY INSULT HIM/HER AND THEN THEY DECLARE VICTORY SCENCE THE BLOCKED PERSON CAN'T SEND BACK ANOTHER PUNCH THAT WOULD DECIDE THIS ARGUMENT ONCE AND FOR FUCKING ALL! My ladies and gentlemen, i rest my case.


   sence I have lost all my imagination, I decided to talk about video games. the readers can help me if they give me some I deas to start my machine and suff.


   Meanwhile, i test play World of Warcraft and my pal tells me to play it and test and stuff so i did, what i didn't expect was that this game was nearly as boring to play it than to watch someone else playing it. This game truly was very innovative and addicting but the gameplay wasn't any fun. you basicly push buttons and the guy does some stuff, no matter the stuff you get, shit doesn't feel very personal when you are killing an NPC. think about playing lord of the rings conquest as a warrior, and when you are slicing and dicing some dude with all them body movments (no homo) and stuff you can really tell that you INFACT ARE SLICING AND DICING HIM!

End of the world theories/profecies

Poeple, the end is not nigh. There have been dosens of profecies but none of them ever occured.

The poeple that think that the world ends when the year have a six, the month and the day have a six are just plain dumb because the year triple six occured AND WE ARE STILL BREATHING!

Y2K was proven wrong, the swine flu only killed like 200 out of 6 billion poeple, the bird flu didn't do shit bu killing birds.

Old profecies of ancient "Orakles" doesn'e make scence because they did drugs to tell the future or THEY JUST GUESSED!

There are also poeple that think there is some form of a internet program that could forsee natural disasters but if it could then all the poeple of fucking katrina would be evacuated alredy, and prepeare them.

2012, predicted by a mayan callendar that expires at that time... ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!  JUST BECAUSE IT WAS PREDICTING ECLIPSES DOESN'T MEAN THAT IT EXPIRES AT 2012!

They probably didn't have time to make more or it might be because THEY WERE SLAUGHTERE BY THE SPANISH QONQUESADORS!


Nu ska jag kritisera melodifestivalen som jag tappat hoppet om.

Jahap, då var det dags igen. Den årliga kasta bort pengar som kunde ha använts till att utrota världs-hungern eller fixa ekonomi kris skiten till skogen tiden är här igen, med alla jävla special effecter på jätte skärmen bakom sångaren/sångerskan och alla dyrbara pyrotechnics som bara sprutar omkring dem.

Det är mest sagt "same shit, different day" för att varje gång något land vinner så helt enkelt nästan MÅSTE sveriges dommare rösta någon som helt enkelt bara suger.

Visst, vi får höra nya låtar och får reda på nya artister och lägger till lite virtuell "bling" på mobilerna som nästa varje jävla unge brukar göra här i sverige.

Om det är män som vinner är det antingen någon fjollig eller en typisk jävla edward cullen liknande jävel som vinner.

Är det kvinnor så är det någon emotional eller en faktiskt talangfull person, men skiten bara är att det nästan aldrig kommer.

Och nästan varje bidrag är alltid detsamma, det kan va någon schlager, något gammaldagsigt eller någon helt uppfuckat som ukrainas bidrag 2007.

Jävla melodifestivalen


Racism, i mean why are poeple that anyway? i doubt that this will change somebodys mind but i don't give a flying crap. This is my blog, if you don't like it, don't read it. This is just me expressing my thoughts on whatever the fuck i wan't! Back to subject, My message to all incompitent racists out there is: YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE WICH RASE YOU WERE BORN IN, SO IT'S UNNECESSARY TO BE PROUD ABOUT IT! don't go all like: "but they all do alot of crimes" thing. White poeple do the same. Everyone can do a crime, no matter if he/she is a hobo living under a cardboard box in an alley to the president of a country dot and END.


Obama is not muslim, he was raised by his christian white mother when he was a kid. his dad is the immigrant not Obama besides, what would the bad thing be if he was muslim? what, do you like think he will make entire the us suicide bomb itself or something? The Qur'an says you are not allowed to commit suicide let alone killing or hurting lots of poeple. also if he was muslim, i would be pretty sure that he wouldn't be so much into abortion.


aniversary for the tenth time i updated my blogg, hooray for that dear readers if there even were any.


I'm am going around facebook sometimes, and when i am in the mood for looking at pictures i see some (or many) chicks take pictures of themself and then they blur out the face... yeah, just let me ask WHAT IS THE POINT OF TAKING THAT PICTURE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! no really, i am amazed that there are poeple that ar just THAT stupid, it's inconvinient as FUCK! It's like waging war for peace, or having sex to be a virgin! if you are taking a picture of yourself, bluring it, claim that this is yourself and post it on the internet. it's just stupid!


Ockay vegans, let me clarify some stuff, i am not retarded or illiterate and neither are the poeple who eats meat. You see just because you eat living beings that doesn't walk, crawl etc. if you studied in biology then you'll know what i am going to talk about: every living being will decompose into carbon, plant, animal and human life will soner or later die and decompose. Later, the decomposed earth is fresh and filled with minerals (im am not sure if i am explaining this correctley in this language) that will have plants grow even easier on, it's the carbon cycle poeple! and scence plants grows it takes the nourishments from other living beings, also the colours the plants got are pigment cells and the plants has nerves, you can see the nerves with the naked eye even so vegans arent just hypocrits, they apperantley don't know what they are eating. read carefully and listen now: ALL LIVING BEINGS ARE PARASITIC CREATURES THAT SURVIVES BY RECIEVING NOURISMENTS, VITAMINS, MINERALS (etc.) FROM OTHER LIVING BEINGS!!!

And what disgusts me most about vegans is that they apperantley are more focused about animal rights than the situations mankind is up for.

Polution, war, starvation, all that kind of shit. Women are being raped, beaten and even having to live through having their children disapearing or dying.

orphans in africa are suffering with an empty stomach. and homelesness and poverty is devastating the developed countreys.

Vad fan?!

Nej seriöst, vad fan? Fredrick reinfelt har tydligen tänkt att stänga ner sveriges radio kanaler. ÄR HAN FRÅN VETTET?! fattar han inte att vi ligger mitt i ekonomikrisens skit och nu ska den feta rika flintisen lägga ner radio kanaler. han fattar tydligen inte att folk förlorar jobb, är det inte nog med att folk har svårt att till och med få jobb. Bra jobbat svenska folket, jag klappar sarkastiskt åt eran dumma val att välja ett rövhål till statsminister.

PS: jag vet att nästan hälften röstade på sosarna.

It won't be worth it.

yeah trolls listen i know that during the time i post this little update there won't be any vistors. so this is a message to all trolls that is going to troll my blogg in the future: It's not worth it. why? because i won't give a shit so you will do nothing but waste precious of time so this is my message don't troll, post nice comments or critics with good arguments and drink a cup of shut the fuck up.


Here's a little and intelligent question to everyone: I am sitting in here in Sweden infront of a computer wondering: why are we fighting, why does poeple no matter if atheist or not, fight over this rediculus issue? why are we fighting over whos religion is making more scence and whos religion is entireley wrong? Tell me why! I think know why, we are either afraid of each other, wan't to look like the most dominant of all or just being plainely an asshat not thinking before saying. If you are gonna critique a religion, study its teachings, not its followers. Study it's holy texts, not the texts poeple tells you other wise SHUT UP! Respect others believes and they'll respect your's, if they don't then simply IGNORE THEM, or Agree to disagree (i am totally not explaining that one).

The internet war.

The internet, a new form of communication and multi media through computers and other kind of electronical devices. these series of tubes have been very useful to store information, make sites where poeple from across the world who can afford a modem and a computer to meet each other like Msn, blogg sites, youtube etc. however when these sites where created it turned out ALL kinds off poeple could be in here: white supreamesists, extremists, poeple that start critisize others way of life and all of sudden the internet has become a battlefield. Many poeple that lacks the meaning of regular spelling when they are "debating", they are saying things like: "lololol joo r so stopid" or something similar, but then it may happen that someone with a good education comes along and joins this stupid online war with poeple they don't know and a true debate may begin. this kind of war still rages on. It's nearly about everything: musical groups, religion, nationality, fandom and even guns (ex. AK 47 IS BETTER THAN M16!!!!) yeah, i know it's really absurd. and not only that, a new concept of poeple came to the internet, they are known as trolls. not like a troll that lives under a bridge, i'm talking about trolls that goes around in internet forums, film sites and other sites and bloggs around. what are they doing: Trolling. they go around cursing, saying bad stuff to things and other poeple have made in the internet, f.ex. when something happens in an anime series they start making bad/sexual/offensive "jokes" about it and start "critisizing" stuff in a bad manor.  now you think i am saying that i am perfect and doesn't do any of the things, but i am not and i am confessing that i have been partaking in some of these debates but i've changed, i've stopped doing that and so need the the debating  poeple of the internet need to do, things might go out of hand.

District 9 Review

Yeah, i am reviewing D9...

District 9, one of the best films of 2009 and scores to be the best of the best. why? because the storyline was both unpredictabley original, the characters and actors did their thing perfectley, the plot is interesting, the movie is filmed like a documentary and so on. when i watched this movie i freaking shaked, i didn't wan't to leave my seat sence it was very exciting, ufortunatley i can't tell you more scence you'd be pissed if i was spoiling anything.

Screw the old ones i have rules!

the last one's getting old so i write another one...
You wan't a question? here's one: Heyyyy how's it going?


something, something, dark side. something, something something complete!

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